Radio Program
Our regular Science and the SeaTM radio program presents marine science topics in an engaging two-minute story format. Our script writers gather ideas for the radio program from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute's researchers and from our very popular college class, Introduction to Oceanography, which we teach to hundreds of non-science majors at The University of Texas at Austin every year. Our radio programs are distributed at to commercial and public radio stations across the country.
The west coast of Tasmania is raw and wet. Gale-force winds commonly buffet the island, which can get up to a hundred inches of rain a year.
It’s been a ritual for three decades. Every other day, circumstances permitting, a scientist from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute patrols a stretch of beach on Mustang Island, near the town of Port Aransas. Tony Amos notes the weather conditions, counts the number of people and cars, and lists the trash he finds. Most important, though, he counts the birds: herons, gulls, plovers, pelicans, and many others -- more than four million birds in all.
The last time NASA launched a craft named Aquarius, it wound up serving as a lifeboat -- it helped the three astronauts of Apollo 13 get home safely. The next Aquarius could help life across the entire planet by providing a new look at how the oceans respond to global climate change.
Aquarius is a joint mission between NASA and Argentina. The robotic probe could launch as early as late spring. It has several goals, but the main one is to monitor the salt in the world’s oceans.
When is a spider not really a spider? When it’s scuttling along the bottom of the sea.
Biologists have discovered more than a thousand species of sea spiders. They look a lot like their terrestrial cousins, with lots of gangly legs extending from a slender body. But they’re not true spiders. Instead, they’re probably distant cousins -- perhaps a part of the group that branched off tens of millions of years ago.
Sea spiders are found around the world, from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, and from shallow coastal waters to the deep ocean.
In 1873, a character in a Jules Verne novel bet that he could go around the world in 80 days. Less than a century later, an American submarine did it in 61 -- entirely underwater.
The U.S.S. Triton was the largest submarine yet built -- half again the length of a football field, and powered by two nuclear reactors.
It looks like something out of a cartoon -- a tool to help Popeye cut open a can of spinach, for example. But the sawfish is a real creature, and it uses its long, toothy “saw” to dig up its own meals.
There are actually two kinds of fish with saws. One is the sawshark. It’s a true shark, with a streamlined body and gills on its sides. A typical adult is about 3 to 5 feet long. The other is the sawfish -- a type of ray with a flattened body and gills underneath. It’s much bigger than the sawshark -- up to 20 feet or more.
As fall gives way to winter in the southern hemisphere, one of the world’s largest migrations churns the waters off the southeastern coast of Africa. Sardines -- about 30,000 tons of them -- follow the current to warmer waters. Sharks and dolphins herd groups of the fish, penguins pick them off from below and seabirds from above, and whales gulp down gigantic mouthfuls.
Dolphins are some of the smartest animals on the planet. So when it comes to finding its way through the water, it’s not surprising that a dolphin uses the ol’ melon. In this case, we mean it literally. There’s a structure in the dolphin’s head that’s called a “melon.” It produces sounds that the dolphin uses to locate food, predators, and other objects in its path.
Every summer, more than 6,000 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico turns into a dead zone. The Mississippi River dumps massive amounts of nutrients into the Gulf -- mainly fertilizers and animal waste from farms and ranches. That starts a chain reaction that consumes most of the oxygen at the bottom, killing off most of the shrimp and oysters that live there.
This process isn’t good for fish, either. In fact, studies are showing that some fish stop reproducing. It may be part of a natural defense mechanism that gets out of hand.